Tag: waproduction.com

W. A. Production Fundamental Bass for FREE

As a famous vocalist once sang, “It’s all about the bass” and in as far as most genres of music are concerned, she’d be correct! Bass line balancing has always been a big challenge for producers, especially at the mixing stage, as the dynamic range of low end material can be huge. If you leave bass lines as they are, then they’ll threaten to unbalance the rest of your mix, but apply compression too liberally and a lively bass sound will have the life sucked out of it. So what to do? That’s where Fundamental Bass comes in, giving you a quick way to tighten up the dynamics of your low end whilst keeping the snap and sparkle of mids and highs.

The processing is achieved with an adjustable frequency split which feeds to two separate modules for processing. The low band features twin-compressors and imaging adjustment for clarity and mono compatibility. The high band compresses and adds grit, enhancing natural harmonics whilst keeping the bounce of the bass. With a clutch of

W. A. Production HELPER Transients 2 for FREE

Being able to control the shape of the sounds is extremely useful for musicians when they are mixing their music. But Helper Transients 2 is much more than an ordinary transient shaper plug-in because it can process 5 different kinds of audio signal from the audio source itself.

W. A. Production Screamo for FREE

Sometimes the wildest ideas are the best and Screamo is proof… a crazy concept that just works! We’ve taken distortion to the next level by wrapping up several familiar ideas within one plugin, resulting in a talk-box / screamer hybrid that can groove along with your track. Forget about complex audio routing and syncing up multiple LFOs. With Screamo that’s handled for you as half of the plugin interface features a dedicated waveform shaper which can modulate resonant filters, distortion and gain to add life to any audio. Bring your bass lines out from the shadows with some subtle movement or make a synth line scream with in-your-face rhythmic overdrive – the choice is yours.

Giveaway@ https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/screamo

VSTBuzz Puncher: Lite Version for FREE

“Puncher: Lite Version” is a Multi-FX plugin that will add instant power and punch to your tracks.

Designed with an easily understood and operational interface, “Puncher: Lite Version” is a compact Multi FX plugin capable of delivering pin drop clarity as well as the hardest most intense punch to your mix!

Giveaway@ https://vstbuzz.com/deals/free-puncher-lite-version-by-wa-production/

W. A. Production Vocal Limiter for FREE

For a vocal to really cut through the mix and ride other instruments, it’s usually a good idea to make sure it’s loud and proud. However, the dynamics of a vocalist’s performance can vary wildly, from softly sung verses to strident choruses. Despite a comprehensive vocal effects chain, with careful volume-riding and compression, you’ll often need a final limiter to clamp down on fluctuating dynamics or to smooth slower phrases.

We designed Vocal Limiter to be the last step in your vocal processing chain and as simple to use as possible. It’s specifically developed to target the frequencies of vocal performances so is less affected by overly high or low frequency content. With multiple speed modes and real-time VU meters, you can use your eyes and ears to find the perfect settings… or just flick through the included presets. With Vocal Limiter you can be sure that your vocals will sit comfortably in the mix and be heard loud and clear.
