Pcwinsoft Video Split & Trim (MacOS) for FREE

Video Split & Trim is a lightweight audio video splitter, video trimmer, and video joiner app, capable of handling large video files.

With Video Split & Trim, you can trim, split, and join video files using a visual tool with support for multiple segments with high time position accuracy.

The user interface could not be simpler as it offers you access to video you can easily position and ability to select multiple segments to trim and split. The program also offers you the option to order video files before concatenating them.

Video Split & Trim supports all most common video formats including MP4, MKV, WMV, AVI, MPG, and converts to 10+ different formats.

Main Features:
1. Easy to use visual user interface with support for multiple segments and high accuracy on time positions.
2. Ability to combine split video files and trim them.
3. Ability to open and convert to 12+ different video formats including MP4, WMV, MOV, MPG, AVI, MKV and more.
4. Works with large video files.
5. Ability to extract audio from video to MP3, WMA, WAV and more.

Extra Features:

1. Ability to export movie as sequence of images even as animated GIF.
2. Ability to take pictures from movies
3. You can run multiple instances and handle multiple files at once.

Video Split & Trim is a video splitter, video joiner, and video trimmer with support for large video files and video converting.

Register here to get your free license.
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You have 7 days to register your first giveaway license copy. If you miss the deadline your license will be invalidated. If you register your giveaway license within the first 7 days then you will be granted KEYs for up to 10 different computers.
Future updates for your giveaway license will not be free.

Homepage: http://www.pcwinsoft.com/mac-video-split-n-trim/
Giveaway: https://www.pcwinsoft.com/promotion/bitsdujourvideosplittrim/registration.asp
Download: http://www.pcwinsoft.com/download/VideoSplitTrimInstall.dmg

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