O&O MediaRecovery 14 for FREE

With O&O MediaRecovery you can recover deleted photos that captured those precious moments; last year’s vacation, the day you got married, or the first pictures of your children. If those irreplace-able memories are deleted it no longer has to mean they are lost forever.
And O&O MediaRecovery doesn’t stop there: it can also recover your favorite songs and videos, simply and quickly, and all with just a few clicks of the mouse!

Homepage: https://www.oo-software.com/en/products/oomediarecovery
Giveaway: https://www.oo-software.com/de/special/rtn331
Download: https://www.oo-software.com/en/download/current/oomediarecovery

UDEMY CPanel Mastery – A Comprehensive and Complete Training for FREE




O&O Defrag 24 Professional Edition for FREE

Up to 100% increased PC speed: There is nothing worse than when you want to do something on your PC and your computer is running slow. A disk defragmenter used regularly can speed up a PC of any age and get it working like new again!

Don’t let a slow computer spoil your work or fun! Let O&O Defrag optimize your hard disks and – New! – SSDs and you can experience speed increases of up to 100%! Regular disk defragmentation optimizes your PC performance!

When you defragment, the files that Windows splits up when saving documents across the hard disk or SSD are put back in order again so that files can be quickly recognized and found by the SSD or the read and write heads inside your HDD. Speed increases of up to 100% are not uncommon, and your hardware suffers much less wear and tear!

New: O&O Defrag supports Windows Compact OS: Many new things have been added to the O&O Defrag engine that make using it, especially under Windows 10, even better. That‘s why version 24 now

StickyPassword Premium for FREE

Sticky Password Premium lets you log in and check out of any website, automatically completing logins and forms instantly. With Sticky Password Premium, you’ll be able to enter your information into this innovative password manager once, then have it recalled just like that whenever you visit the website in question. Not only is this extremely convenient when you know the login information for each site, it’s a lifesaver for those of us who frequently forget the passwords to our email, social network, shopping, banking, school, and community group accounts. All you need to remember is the Sticky Password Premium single master password, and you’re set.

Homepage: https://www.stickypassword.com/
Download for Windows: https://downloads.s

Envato Market Themes / Plugins / Resources (Nov/2021) for FREE

Kata – Elementor WordPress Theme
Applic – App Landing WordPress Theme

1.3docean Slash Les Paul Guitar & Top Hat

2.Photodune Frosty pattern on transparent background. Background light blue winter

3.Graphicriver Holiday Travel/Tour Flyer Template

4.Themeforest Inshot – Creative Responsive Photography Portfolio


UDEMY CANVA – ZERO to HERO for Freelancers and Entrepreneurs for FREE




Greatis BootRacer Premium 8.60 for FREE

BootRacer is a light-weight, easy to use and convenient tool for monitoring the Windows PC boot time and controlling over startup programs. The main approach of BootRacer is an ability to exclude a user password timeout time from the calculated total.

How does BootRacer save my time and my life?
BootRacer calculates the clear Windows boot-up time (without password timeout).
It monitors your PC′s boot time and notifies you about any speed degradation.
BootRacer measures Total Time used by startup programs at every boot.
You will know which programs slow down Windows boot-up.
You can easily disable slow down programs from Windows startup.

Homepage: https://www.greatis.com/bootracer/
Download: BootRacerPremium-8.60-gotd.z

UDEMY Diseño de Espacios Domésticos en Vehículos. Camperización for FREE




UDEMY Golang aprende a utilizar los módulos Cobra y Viper for FREE




UDEMY EXPERTO Home Staging. Vender Rápido y Al Mejor Precio. for FREE




UDEMY How to Earn from Photography: Absolute Beginners Guide for FREE




Dystopian Future Films as Low as $7.99!

Dystopian Future Films as Low as $7.99!