Free Adguard for Android

AdGuard ad blocker for Android is free for 3 months. Get all the Premium Mobile Internet Filter and Firewall features.

AdGuard for Android is an internet filter, anti-tracking and firewall for mobile devices that protects you from ads, malicious and phishing sites, online tracking in a web browser while using your smartphone or tablet on the Internet.

Main features of AdGuard for Android
Adguard is able to block all types of ads, not only in browsers, but also in games and applications!
The Antitracking module is responsible for protecting your privacy on the Internet. Adguard will block tracking of your online activities.
With the Adguard firewall, you can fully control application access to the Internet.
The mobile application is really simple, convenient and straightforward.
Protection against malicious and phishing sites. Adguard will prohibit downloading potentially dangerous applications and files and will prevent you from becoming a victim of scammers.
The application speeds up the loading of web pages. Without unnecessary elements, they open faster.
Adguard really makes the Internet more comfortable and safe for the user.


Download: adguard-23203.apkmirror

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