BundleStorm is a humongous collection of design assets like no other, and with this promo you can get Version 1 for FREE. Every asset included works in Photoshop and Illustrator, including PSD, Ai, and EPS formats to take your design workflow to the next level!
Thousands upon thousands of royalty free stock photos, overlays and layer styles for Photoshop and Illustrator, infographics, vector icons, seamless vector patterns & textures, abstract fractal art images, hand drawn ornamental swirls and curls, frame badges, crests, banners, avatar/character creation kits, user interface kits, and much more!
Every asset included works in Photoshop and Illustrator, including PSD, Ai, and EPS formats to take your design workflow to the next level!
Giveaway@ https://bundle.thrivecart.com/cart-bundlestorm-v1/?coupon=GOTD